AsmBB upload attachment improvement

(ツ) admin
Last edited: 02.03.2023 by admin

📢 We're testing the new upload feature of AsmBB 🤩

1. The files are upload via ajax 🌀

2. All chose images will be upload (automatic) to server but it will not save again to the DB 📝

3. Only image file can insert to the post 🖼

4. All chose files will be save as attachments, even if you chose new file ( see 2.) 📎

Now you can both insert image in your post and save as attachment 🥳

Thanks 🤩

Attached files:
FileSizeUploadedDownloadsMD5 hash
upload.png48284 bytes02.03.20234443101c1ed1771a123a33a0fce68294f9d

AsmBB upload attachment improvement