Some notes on the forum engine structure

(ツ) admin
Last edited: 02.03.2023 by admin

The table "Params"

The table "Params" contains name/value pairs for the global forum settings. The table is defined following way:

create table Params (
  id  text primary key,
  val text

Here are some parameters used in the current version of the forum engine. The parameters, marked as "Mandatory!" must be set during the installation of the forum engine.

"host" - string; Mandatory! The domain name of the forum.

"smtp_addr" - string; Mandatory! The URL or IP address of the smtp server used to send the user activation emails. This address should be on the same host (see "host" above) as the forum itself, or should allow sending emails without authentication.

"smtp_port" - integer; Mandatory! The port (the usual is 25, but can vary) of the smtp server.

"smtp_user" - string; Mandatory! The email account of the email sender (the administrator email). The whole email address of the sender should be \smtp_user\@\host\ or \smtp_user\@\smtp_addr\

"page_length" - integer (default: 20); The number of items, grouped in pages (both posts in a thread and threads in the thread list).

"log_events" - integer (flag (0, 1), default: 0); When 1 enables the logging mechanism of the forum. The logging is useful for debugging, but slows down the engine.

"forum_title" - string (default: "AsmBB"; The initial part of the forum title, as displayed in the browser title bar. Some suffix parts are added to this string (for example the current thread title) to form the result title of the current page.

"user_perm" - integer (default: 29); Bit-mask, indicating the initial permissions the user have after registration. Later the individual permissions can be edited for the individual users. The permissions are defined in the beginning of the "commands.asm" and currently are:

permLogin       = 1
permPost        = 4
permThreadStart = 8
permEditOwn     = 16
permEditAll     = 32
permDelOwn      = 64
permDelAll      = 128
permAdmin       = $80000000

"avatar_max_size" - integer (default: 50KB); The maximal size of the user uploaded images in bytes.

"avatar_width" - integer (default: 128px); The width of the user uploaded avatars. Avatars with different width are rejected. Notice, that the avatars already uploaded to the database will not be affected by the change of this parameter.

"avatar_height" - integer (default: 128px); The height of the user uploaded avatars. Avatars with different height are rejected. Notice, that the avatars already uploaded to the database will not be affected by the change of this parameter.

More important of these parameters can be set from the !settings* (settings panel) of the forum.

The remaining should be set from the SQLite console. Something like:

insert or replace into Params values ("avatar_max_size", 10*1024);

The parameter can be deleted by:

delete from Params where id="avatar_max_size";

The whole content of the table can be displayed by:

select * from Params;
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Some notes on the forum engine structure
